A long time ago, New York's Best Seller Rick Castle (Nathan Fillion) was returned to his family after
In photo: Actor Nathan Fillion, from the drama series "Castle"
from Season 7 episode, Driven. |
being somewhat 'kidnapped' or disappeared on his and finance, Kate Beckett (Stana Katic), wedding day. He was reported missing for two months and when returned he no recollection of what had happened. Castle had no say to whether he decided not to go through with the wedding or someone abducted him on purpose. Since then, Castle's disappearance case has been put on halt. While Season 7 is coming to an end, the disappearance mystery is becoming the evolving center of focus in the upcoming episode, Sleeper. It has been reported that episode 20 of drama series, 'Castle', will be revisiting Castle's disappearance case.
David Amann dropped a few hints about the episode 20, that deals with Castle being missing for two months at the beginning of Season 7. Also he said that the episode will give some 'clarity' and understanding to what really happened, but may not tell the whole story.
To all Castle fans, ABC has not officially announced whether 'Castle' will renewed for Season 8 or cancelled. Also, there is no news to be determined on whether Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion have signed their new contracts.