Friday, February 20, 2015

Castle 7x16 "The Wrong Stuff" Q & A

How much of a role does Alexis have in episode 7x16?
Not a huge one. She's seen twice, once in the beginning and briefly towards the middle of the episode.

Are there any Firefly references?

What can you tell us about the opening scene, at the loft, if it is as usual (murder and then the scene at the loft)?
The opening is as usual. We see the murder and then cut to the loft, where we have the entire Castle family.

Why doesn't Detective Beckett have heels on?
No obvious reason, but there are no heels with two different outfits.

Are there any great quotes you can share with or without being too spoilery?
A lot of great one-liners in this episode. To name a couple:
If that's how you think I get pregnant, we need to talk.
We've got a murder. To solve, not to commit.

They talk about something that happened on 7x15, Kate have any trauma and she talk about it with Castle?
Nope. As usual, no mention of the drama of the previous episodes. This a light episode, and everything is back to normal.

Are there any cute Caskett moments?
Yes, a couple of cute moments and some classic Caskett banter.

Is the episode just a fun filler episode or are there some emotional, meaningful Caskett scenes, too?
I'd say a little bit of both. It is a light, fun episode, but there are definitely meaningful scenes throughout, especially towards the end.

Do they bring up the baby talk?
Little Castle's are mentioned.

Can you describe Martha's storyline in the episode in 1 word?

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